Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast…
Strategy eats Culture for Lunch…
So let’s have Dinner together!

We solve your business challenges
using our proven models in a way that's best for you,
it's as easy as 1-2-3!
With over three decades of experience in worldwide training and consulting, we are a top player in the field of culture for international business.
We work to improve the integration between people (values, attitudes and potentials) and organizations (structures, systems and processes).
Successfully addressing differences in cultural orientations – whether national, organizational, functional or disciplinary – is vital to the sustainable growth and performance of organizations. At THT, we have a passion for business culture. We believe that understanding how it impacts your organization can help you in many ways – from accelerating successful communication and decision-making to improving your overall business performance.
With our proven diagnostic tools, we support individuals, academic and corporate organisations from the first step of Recognising and Respecting cultural differences with keynotes, moderations, workshops and trainings towards Reconciliation and Realising with consulting.
We discover
What challenges are you facing?
We analyse your challenge
Which models will work the best to solve your needs?
The cornerstones of our approach are our models, developed by Fons Trompenaars, Charles Hampden-Turner and Peter Woolliams.
An outstanding intellectual property supported by over 30 years of research that makes our approach uniquely effective.

“While most organization focus on recognizing cultural differences only (stereotypes), we try to help taking advantage of those differences.”

“All people face the same dilemmas. It’s the culture that half kills you."

4 Corporate Cultures
“Organizational culture is the end result of competing values fighting for preference”
We partner with you
Which approach will deliver the best results?

The THT CEO programme is an exclusive coaching journey designed for C- suite executives who need to be able to effectively respond to the cultural challenges that global leaders are faced with today.
We have a global presence with licensed associates and subsidiary operations in many parts of the world who specialises in training, coaching, leadership development and consulting in such areas as Cultural awareness and competence, diversity, equity and inclusion, servant leadership, sustainability, team effectiveness, financial management, human resources.

Whether you are a first time leader or seasoned campaigner who needs to step up and set a new standard, our programs are designed to help you with the mindset, skillset and tools you need to achieve your goals and stay relevant across multiple contexts of leadership.
Our Programs Include:

Become a Certified Licensed Professional. Our certified licensees are provided with the essential tools for individual trainers, consultants, managers and coaches, to link data to connections.
We license by certification via our eLearning as well as tailored workshops for organizations, via in house “Train the Trainer” sessions in our 7 Dimensions of Culture, Organisational Culture model and Dilemma Reconciliation Methodology. The application in organizations is supported by our tools and apps. Team work, interactive exercises and cooperation are typical characteristics of our trainings.

Besides his impressive background and expertise,what makes Fons special is the ability to inspire, motivate, engage and entertain the audience.
He inspires through his unique vision on the reality: nothing is impossible, no challenges are too hard to be achieved if we recognize the dilemmas living inside us, both as human beings and organizations.
He motivates
by showing the way to connect viewpoints and reconcile our dilemmas. A mindset that provides hope for a better future, where the opposite of diversity dance together and produce new value.
He engages
people by continously involving them in the dialogue, either with open-ended question or interactive tools such as questionnaires and webapps
Finally, last but not least, he entertains
the audience with his humourous and funny real life/business examples, taken from over 30 years of travelling around the world riding the waves of culture.